Friday 3 October 2014

 We are home! After 6.5 months, 199 days we pulled into our driveway on Thursday. I know once again I am a little tardy and I should have written this on Thursday. However I have been thinking how to finish this trip on the blog, there will be more to come, other trips that is!

We packed up at Point Louise and headed south for our last night on the road. On the way we stopped at a couple of tourist lookouts to check out the coast and make sure that it was still there unaltered from when we left. Once again the efforts of government at whatever levels to create these lookout was very evident and very good. There is signage, shelters and paths all high grade. Anyway we found a spot about 65km from home and had lunch then prepared to settle in for the night. BUT the temptation was too great  so we started the motor and went home. 

I will write a summary sometime next week but that's it folks the Cohen's have completed their first big road trip. 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Wednesday 1st October. 

It is now afternoon and Elaine and most of the other people here are nanna napping. The camping area here at Point Louisr is also the car park and at the moment is temporary home to 9 campers of varying descriptions but mostly, for the first time this trip, motorhomes. 

This place is just north of Greenhead which in turn is about 200 kms north of Perth. The point marks one side of a small bay inside of which there are 2 small lumps of rock otherwise known here as islands. It is also quite shallow and we walked out to one of the islands, at least I got to within about 20 mtrs before the bottom got too spikey to walk on and Elaine got about halfway. It is about 200 mtrs offshore. We also walked up to the lookout on the point and got a good birds eye view of the shallow reef system, then along to the next bay which is a delightful beach. The forecast was for 32degrees and had it been correct we would have had a swim. As it is the forecast is incorrect with lots of cloud cover, upsetting our solar panels, keeping the temperature way down. One thing that I should point out to all the detractors is that the sand at all the beaches on this coast is white, some like this one absolute persil white others just white. Other staters eat your hearts out!